
The 查利音乐学院 performance organizations provide a high-quality musical experiences for all NDSU students. By participating in one or more of the various performance groups on campus, a student's college career can be greatly enhanced and lifelong friendships formed.

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试镜在上课的第一周进行. 请联系适当的导师面试信息.



Dr. 杰里米•布莱克 jeremy.brekke@sgmtc678.com.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 314

Brass groups are an integral and dynamic component of the instrumental program at 乐虎电子. 增强的游戏能力, collaborative skills and musical awareness are developed in rehearsing and performing chamber music equips students to be more effective in large ensembles, 作为专业的表演者和教育者. 许多乐队都是由两个小号组成的铜管五重奏, horn, trombone, 大号或低音长号. These quintets perform regularly on and off campus and have competed in regional competitions. 其他乐团包括由类似乐器组成的团体, 比如小号合奏, 长号集合体, horn quartets, 或者是大号四重奏,由两个小号和两个小号组成. NDSU also combines the various brass quintets for a large brass ensemble at the end of each semester

Dr. Charlette Moe, charlette.moe@sgmtc678.com.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 116

在博士的指导下. Charlette Moe, this soprano/alto choir of 55-65 members continually programs music which highlights female composers and music written specifically for the women’s voices. 这个未经试镜的合唱团包括来自许多不同专业的学生, 星期二及星期四下午4:45-6:00排练. 2013年美洲合唱音乐研讨会, 他们首演了伊曼特·拉明什的一部新的合唱作品. Cantemus hosts an Annual Women's Choral Festival and their first convention appearance was at the 2014 North Dakota American Choral Directors Conference. Registration is easy—just visit Campus Connection and register for MUSC 116. 欲了解更多信息,请联系charlette.moe@sgmtc678.com.

Dr. Dwight Jilek, dwight.jilek@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 12:00-12:50, th 2:30-1:45
MUSC 306

The NDSU Concert Choir has a distinguished tradition of performing eminent choral literature at the highest level of artistry. Under Dr. 乔·安·米勒的方向, 唱诗班进行了正式演出, 区域和国家音乐会议, including seven North Central American Choral Directors Association conferences and the national ACDA conference in San Antonio, Texas. The choir performs regularly with the Fargo- Moorhead Symphony and tours overseas every three years. Most recently, 合唱团在2009年访问了东欧和中欧, 2012年在克罗地亚和意大利巡演, 以及冰岛和苏格兰. The choir received the first place gold medal at the International Choral Competition in Zadar, Croatia, 2012年巡演期间.

康纳Challey, connor.challey@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 4:00-5:45
MUSC 111

Daniel Lee
Ensemble Instructor 面试要求
Wind Symphony
Warren Olfert

Dr. 迈克尔•韦伯 m.weber@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 1:00-1:50
MUSC 317

The NDSU 情歌歌手 is a highly selective ensemble that performs vocal chamber music from the Renaissance through the 21st century. 除了全年的音乐会演出, the annual 情歌晚餐 feature fully costumed productions of Renaissance revelry. 博士主持. 迈克尔•韦伯 牧歌歌手为许多NDSU庆祝活动表演, tour each spring with the NDSU Concert Choir and also tour separately throughout the region. The 情歌歌手 were selected to appear at the North Central American Choral Directors Convention in 2008.

Dr. Kelly Burns, kelly.w.burns@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 3:00-4:50
MUSC 319

NDSU Opera presents fully staged and costumed operas and operettas with orchestra in Festival Concert Hall, as well as staged and costumed scenes from operas with piano accompaniment in Beckwith Recital Hall. The NDSU Opera program opened the 2019–2020 NDSU Baroque Festival with Handel’s masterpiece Giulio Cesare 2019年11月. 最近的其他作品包括 Patience (Gilbert & Sullivan), 我的孩子,我的孩子 (Ravel), 的Impressario (Mozart), HMS Pinafore (Gilbert & Sullivan), 《仲夏夜之梦 (Britten), 费加罗的婚礼 (Mozart), and 詹尼·Schicchi (Puccini). 新国立大学歌剧院还演出了巴洛克歌剧,如 狄多和埃涅阿斯 (Purcell) and 维纳斯和阿多尼斯 (约翰·布洛)在新国立大学巴洛克音乐节上.

Dr. 西格德约翰逊, sigurd.johnson@sgmtc678.com.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 312

The NDSU 打击乐合奏 is comprised of both music majors and non-music majors, and includes members of the instrumental ensembles in the 查利音乐学院 as well as participants from across the campus. The ensemble is led by NDSU Director of Percussion Studies and Director of Athletic Bands, Dr. 西格德约翰逊. The ensemble rehearses two days a week—Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-4:45. 这个乐团在秋季和春季学期都会举行音乐会. 它的曲目是动态的和多样的, consisting of traditional as well as contemporary percussion literature.

Dr. 迈克尔•韦伯 m.weber@sgmtc678.com.
TTh 3:30-4:45
MUSC 117

NDSU男高音/男低音合唱团未经试镜, 有很多校园专业的歌手吗, 每周二和周四排练, 3:30-4:45 pm. 2013年美洲合唱音乐研讨会, 政治家剧团首演了豪尔赫·科萨特尔的新合唱作品. They also represented NDSU at the 2009 and 2015 North Dakota Music Educators Association convention in Bismarck, ND.要参加,请访问校园连接注册MUSC 117. 欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. 迈克尔·韦伯,纽约大学合唱活动副总监.weber@sgmtc678.com.

Dr. 西格德约翰逊, sigurd.johnson@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 3:00-3:50
MUSC 112

Our non-auditioned concert band includes students majoring in many subject areas on campus. The 大学乐队 performs twice each semester and is a great way to keep playing your instrument beyond high school.

Dr. Charlette Moe, charlette.moe@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 11:00-11:50
MUSC 215

大学室内歌手正在海选, mixed choir of 35 freshmen through senior members who represent many different majors and disciplines across the NDSU campus. The ensemble recently performed at the ND ACDA convention and have performed at the Northern Plains Kodály Chapter Honor Choir festival in April of 2014. 这个乐团每学期举行两次音乐会, 每年12月参加新大牧歌晚宴. 大学室内歌舞团(UCS)由邓文迪博士指挥. Charlette Moe,合唱活动助理总监.

This auditioned choir rehearses from 1:00-1:50 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. 要安排试镜,请发邮件 charlette.moe@sgmtc678.com

Dr. 西格德约翰逊, sigurd.johnson@sgmtc678.com.
T 6:30-8:00
MUSC 304

大学交响乐团 排练和表演标准的古典音乐, traditional, 当代管弦乐和室内乐曲目. This ensemble provides members the opportunity to rehearse and perform orchestral literature at a high and challenging level.

All String Students and *Community Members selected to play in the USO through audition are Strongly Encouraged 同时参加USO和SCE.

参与 大学交响乐团 is through 所有乐器试镜. 寻求在游戏中的玩家 USO 是否需要更高水平的试镜. It should be understood that not all who audition will make it into the USO.

Dr. 西格德约翰逊, sigurd.johnson@sgmtc678.com.
Th 6:30-8:00
MUSC 316

弦乐室内合奏(仅限弦乐) focuses on developing technical skills and ensemble playing though string orchestra repertoire. Membership in this ensemble provides string players the opportunity to rehearse and perform in an ensemble setting which – while still be committed to excellence - is less arduous and less stressful than in the USO.

All String Students and *Community Members selected to play in the USO through audition are Strongly Encouraged 同时参加USO和SCE.

Dr. Daniel Lee, daniel.lee.3@sgmtc678.com.
MWF 12:15-1:50
MUSC 303

The Wind Symphony 是我们的首演乐队,通过试镜入场吗. Students in the Wind Symphony perform demanding repertoire in two formal concerts each semester. 他们通过巡回演出和会议演出在全国范围内演出.

Dr. Cassie Keogh, cassie.keogh@sgmtc678.com.
MUSC 315

木管乐队是新大音乐课程的重要组成部分. 新大所有专业的学生都可以参加. Instrumentation varies each semester depending on the composition of student participation, 但包括混合乐器和同类乐器合奏. 常设合唱团包括长笛合唱团, 单簧管四重奏和单簧管唱诗班, 萨克斯四重奏和萨克斯唱诗班, 还有木管五重奏.

The woodwind ensembles perform each semester on Woodwind Chamber and Saxophone Quartet nights, 定期在北达科他州举办外展音乐会, Minnesota, 和南达科他州, 参加当地的, regional, 以及全国室内乐比赛. 欲了解更多信息,请联系cassie.keogh@sgmtc678.com.